How To Get Rid Of Heart Burn and What Causes It

You lay down to go to bed at night and there it is again. That burning pain that feels like your heart is on fire. At first, you may even think you are having a heart attack. Heartburn can be that painful. The pain so severe that it is hard to breathe and impossible to sleep. You toss and turn trying to find a position that will relieve your discomfort. You wriggle in pain, regretting the decadent meal that you enjoyed earlier that evening. Heartburn will effect most people over their lifetime. Some more than others. The good news is that once you learn what is causing it then you can prevent it. Easing your heartburn will help you get your sleep and you can get back to enjoying your life.


Before we can treat or prevent it we have to know what is going on with our body. The acid in our stomach helps break down and digest the food that we eat. When those acids sneak back up our esophagus it causes the burning sensation we have come to know as heartburn. Sometimes eating too quickly or overeating can trigger heartburn. Heartburn can last anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. The duration of your pain may be depend on the steps that you take to prevent or treat your symptoms. Certain foods and lifestyles can trigger heartburn, so finding out the cause may help prevent the burn before it even starts.


Yes, this is the part where you are told to quit smoking, reduce your stress levels, lose weight and to avoid your favorite foods and drinks. No one likes to hear this part, however, it is important because it is true. If you are obese or overweight this could be causing your heartburn. Take some steps to try to lose some of the weight and this may resolve your heartburn.

Coffee, tea, cola and other caffeinated and carbonated beverages are known to trigger that uncomfortable burning sensation. Drinking alcohol will also set off another sleepless night writhing in pain, as you try to get some sleep. You may find that after you eat spaghetti, pizza or lasagna you are running looking for an antacid. Anything tomato based is sure to set off that heartburn and have you doubled over in pain. Lets not forget anything citrus will also likely cause heartburn as well. Certain clothing can even cause heartburn. So avoid tight fitting clothing and even belts.

So now you get it…. avoid all carbonated beverages, alcohol, caffeine, chocolate and anything tomato based. Oh and do all this wearing only sweat pants and you are cured!


Realistically speaking most of us are not going to avoid all those wonderful foods and drinks even if they do cause us unimaginable pain later. In the moment we forget about the consequences or are just hopeful that this time it won’t happen. So we eat and drink the food that we want and then here it comes. Time for the consequences. For some it is as simple as taking an antacid (Tums or Rolaid). You just eat the chalky bite and the sensation settles. For most it is not that simple, so what else can be done?


Most of the time heartburn can be treated at home. If the antacids aren’t working for you it may be time to try some other over the counter medicines. If you get heartburn regularly taking Prilosec or similar daily medication might be the solution for you. If heartburn is more sporadic or you find it difficult to remember to take a daily medication, you may prefer an acid blocker such as Tagamet or Pepcid. These can be taken at the onset of your pain and/or discomfort as they reduce the amount of stomach acid that you produce therefore relieving the heartburn.


There are a few things that you can do to relieve heartburn without taking medications. Certain foods and sleeping positions may reduce or eliminate your symptoms. Foods high in alkaline can neutralize those acids in your stomach and relieve you of your pain. Ripe bananas, melons cauliflower and nuts are all high in alkaline. Another quick fix is to chew gum. The more you chew the more saliva is produced and this will also help reduce the acid that is produced in your stomach. Try to avoid all of the trigger foods and drinks that you know will cause the heartburn later. Additionally, don’t lay down too soon after eating, it is best to wait at least three hours before doing so. If you find that your heartburn is especially painful at night try sleeping on your left side or elevate your head and chest helping your body with digestion. If you feel that you are over stressed the remedy for heartburn may be finding new ways to cope with your stressors.


Not all heartburn is created the same and cannot be treated as such. Although mild and infrequent heartburn can often be treated at home, some cannot and may require a medical professional. If your heartburn is frequent (several days per week) it may be time to seek advisement from a physician. A physician can prescribe stronger medications than what can be bought over the counter. Frequent and painful heartburn can also be a symptom of other medical conditions such as GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), hiatal hernia or even pregnancy. Since heartburn can be a symptom of other serious medical conditions it is important that you are seen by a doctor if you experience severe and frequent heartburn.

Heartburn is very uncomfortable and painful. It can dictate what you drink and what you eat. Even what you wear! There are ways that it can be treated and even prevented. If you have tried home remedies, over the counter medications and it is has not helped, it is time to seek professional help. A physician will get to the bottom of your heartburn and treat your symptoms. This will improve your quality of sleep and you can get back the quality of life that you deserve.